The objective of the Humanitarian Information for All (formerly known as Humanity CD-ROM Project) is to provide all persons involved in development, well-being and basic needs, access to a complete library containing most solutions, know-how and ideas they need to tackle poverty and increase the human potential.

Complete development & basic needs CD-ROM libraries for developing countries seem an efficient way to achieve this swiftly, provided they can be delivered at the lowest cost possible. This is the goal of the Humanitarian Information for All Programme.

How to join and help information sharing

  1. Ways of joining, participating, helping
  2. Published solutions for World Problems (WP)
  3. Electronic "Marshall" information plan for developing countries
  4. Free access to essential information: a global electronic petition
  5. Helping to maximize humanitarian distribution in many countries

A. Ways of joining, participating, helping

  1. Granting permission to include your useful information and publications on the cooperative Humanitarian Information for All CD-ROMs.
  2. Co-creating this world-wide low-cost CD-ROM set,  by networking with us thus becoming a full-fledged "Humanitarian Information for All Network" non-profit node and interface for this project in your region or activity field. This will not require many resources, but yield high effectiveness leverages. Our goal is to have at least one or two non-profit Humanitarian Information for All centers per country.
  3. Financially, by sponsoring the free distribution of CD-ROMs, the scanning and editing costs,  the translations of essential electronic information into many local languages, and by pointing to the usefulness of this project to funders.
  4. Helping with marketing, PR & co-promotion: creating a link from your web site to the Humanitarian Information for All project; mentioning this project to your contacts; writing about the Humanitarian Information for All in your internal and public newsletters.
  5. Contributing to the distribution of the low cost CD-ROM sets through your network, standard addition to your newsletters or by providing one low-cost CD-ROM library to each member of your or associated organizations or projects.
  6. Any combination of those five.

So join this cost-saving, efficient and environment-friendly information transfer project, in accordance with Agenda 21! Contact us.

B. Published solutions for WP

Solutions for 50% of basic world problems have been gathered, at high subsidized cost, by UN agencies.
Most UN publications are either too expensive or unavailable electronically in a decentralized way. This will remain so as long as all useful UN publications are not all freely made available in digital form. In order to give the world a chance, free digital redistribution and use of UN solutions, information and publications without centralized permission should become the global standard.

C. Electronic "Marshall" information plan for developing countries

In order to achieve broad public participation to the pressing global issues, we propose that core UN knowledge should be released in “copyleft” standard formats. Should the UN agencies do this, they will be more appreciated, respected, and consulted for implementation of global projects. A kind of electronic “Marshall” information plan for global issues and for developing countries could be born.
Copyleft would mean that UN agencies retain copyrights, and control over the commercial book sales but, at the same time, free use and electronic dissemination is allowed for non-commercial purposes without the actual inefficient centralized copyright control.

D. Free access to essential information: a global electronic petition

Together we can support this concept through an electronic petition!
Please contact us at to help us achieve this, either by notifying your support to the concept, or by offering collaboration to fine-tune and organize this petition in your university, institution, NGO or country.

E. Helping to maximize humanitarian distribution in many countries

The goal of this project is to maximize distribution not profits. The more people have access to these CD-ROMs, the sooner some solutions for poverty or basic needs will be implemented or reinforced, and other international organizations will be inspired to release their information in a similar way.
The prices of the CD-ROMs reflect your contribution to the cost of printing, to distributing the plastic of the CD-ROM and to helping the Humanitarian Information for All Programme stay self sustainable. You can help either by ordering and distributing the libraries in developing countries or by becoming a non-profit distributor in your region. For either of the above, please contact us and help someone in the South.

Thank you!

© Human Info NGO, 2016. All rights reserved.