For the past 25 years, we have focused on providing non-profit information, data processing and dissemination services to UN and development organizations.
Our goal is to empower UN agencies, governments, governmental agencies, and humanitarian and development organizations with best practices, know-how, technology, open-source software, open source websites, digital library and data-processing solutions.
We welcome any collaboration to create digital libraries in humanitarian and development fields.
We are proud to be co-initiators of a new project Tridealhouse that has as objective to bring affordable and adequate slum housing that includes urban food production, water, solar cooking and other utilities to a target group of 890 million slum inhabitants around the world
Ongoing since 2007 - Essential Medicines and Health Products Information Portal |
The vision of WHO's Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products Information Portal is that people everywhere have access to the essential medicines they need. The medicines should be available within the context of functioning health systems at all times in adequate amounts, in the appropriate dosage forms, with assured quality, safety and efficacy and adequate information, and at a price the individual and the community can afford.
The Department's online library contains 5293 medicines-related publications, primarily technical information materials.
December 2015 - WHO International Pharmacopoeia - Fifth Edition - 2015 (Incl. First and Second Supplement)
The International Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Int.) constitutes a collection of recommended procedures for analysis and specifications for the determination of pharmaceutical substances and dosage forms that is intended to serve as source material for reference or adaptation by any WHO Member State wishing to establish pharmaceutical requirements.
This Library is a cumulative version of the Fifth Edition of The International Pharmacopoeia comprising Volumes 1 and 2, published in 2006, the First Supplement, published in 2008, as amended and augmented by the text of the Second Supplement published in 2011. |
Ongoing since 2009 - WHO Influenza Training Library
The Influenza Training Digital Library was created in response to a need for a common repository of standardized material involving multiple and diverse international partners involved in the delivery of influenza and pandemic preparedness training. This library provides up-to-date, peer-reviewed and easy accessible influenza-related training material and technical background documents.
May 2011 - WHO Health Systems Library - v. 3.0 |
The WHO Health Systems Library contains a selection of recent publications on key issues relating to health systems and services: human resources for health; essential medicines and health technologies; financing; governance and service delivery, as well as primary health care. The latest edition of the library includes the World Health Report 2010: Health Systems Financing: The Path to Universal Coverage.
July 2011 - Water Safety Plan Quality Assurance Tool plus additional resources
Since their introduction in 2004, Water Safety Plans (WSPs) are increasingly being recognized as the most effective approach to ensuring drinking-water safety and is being promoted by governments and implemented by water suppliers across the globe. The WSP Quality Assurance Tool CD-ROM provides a mechanism to objectively assess efforts in Water Safety Planning. It aims to support the development, implementation and assessment of WSPs by systematically highlighting the areas where progress is being made and opportunities for improvement. |
July 2010 – IHF Tuberculosis Manual Toolkit – Bilingual version (French and English) |
The objective of the Tuberculosis Manual Toolkit is to prepare its target audiences to take decisions in support of action in terms of therapies and drugs to treat TB and MDR-TB. It consists of 4 sessions with in total 19 Topics, comprising 515 slides, presented in a productive learning environment while maximizing natural learning and information retention. The lessons have been formatted and illustrated with images in order to enforce the rational and intuitive learning of the content. Current work in progress for the Spanish version of the toolkit, which is planned for release in September 2011. Stay tunned!
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Human Info NGO, 2018. All rights reserved. |