our humanitarian cd-roms
Easy by fax or Internet : Free or 2
US$ or 2 EURO for 20.000 US$ / 340 Kg / 160.000 pages
information on one CD-ROM!
Complete humanitarian libraries
with thousands of publications at 2 US$ or 2 EURO
( or free for certain humanitarian uses according to
our possibilities )
Ordering through internet or by
fax is easy: Fill in following order form or forward
it to a friend
Complete humanitarian
and development libraries free or at 2 US$ or 2 EURO each
Available Titles for ordering: Community Development Library and Food and Nutrition Libary only. The goal of this project is to maximize free dissemination of humanitarian information to developing countries. The CD-Roms created with or by our partner organisations are only available through their distribution channels to selected recipients to developing countries and cannot be ordered. Other CD-Rom titles are only distributed free of charge to specific mailing lists of recipients in developing countries. However, two major titles, containing the most practical publications (including some of other CD-ROMS) are distributed freely on a large scale to selected recipients, but are also available for ordering via Human Info NGO: the Community Development Library and the Food and Nutrition Library. The contribution in costs of 2 Euro help us retrieve the mailing and CD print costs. These CDL and FNL CD-ROMS can be ordered here, taking into account following technical and distribution specifications.
System requirements: windows 95 / 98 / NT,
preferably minimum 486 processor,
12 Mb free space on hard-disk is required. The CD-ROM
library runs on Power Macs which are Windows compatible
but is not compatible with earlier Apple MacIntosch
Userfriendly: The CD-ROM library is very userfriendly
and uses the powerful Greenstone search engine from
the NZDL. It requires versions of Netscape
4.04+ or Explorer 4.0+ browsers. A Netscape version
is available for installation on the CD-ROM.
Contribution in costs: CD-ROMS can
only be distributed for humanitarian purposes or to
help developing countries. The contribution in costs
is 2 EURO or 2 US$ per CD-ROM if possible.
Self-copy feature: In case you have
only one CD-ROM, you can copy its entire content on
the hard-disks of as many PCs as needed. Selecting “Copy
the entire CD-ROM on PC” during the installation
will copy the entire collection on the hard-disk. The
required hard-disk space of each CD-ROM is specified
on its label.
These are humanitarian libraries to help people. The
goal for these libraries is to be given away, not resold.
We encourage individuals and partners in the North and
South to help to achieve the main aim of this project.
This is to empower as many people as possible in developing
countries with free or low-cost practical and useful
information. In case you want to help, thank you.
To help distribute this information, following concepts
and cost-contributions apply:
1. The basic cost of any CD-ROM is 2 EURO or 2 US$ +
mailing costs
2. For individuals anywhere, a minimum contribution
is for 6 CD-ROMS (package of 160 gram), which costs
14 US$ or 16 EURO, mailing costs included. If you confirm
that you are going to distribute these CD-ROMS free
to friends in developing countries, we will send these
6 CD-ROMS to you. If you do not have possibilities to
distribute these CD-ROMS free to developing countries,
we will send two to you and 4 free on your behalf to
the hundreds of partners in developing countries who
request free cd-roms to us.
3. For organisations, a minimum contribution is for
36 CD-ROMS (1 Kg), and then the total cost including
postal mailing costs is 80 US$ or 90 EURO. VAT must
be added for Europe.
4. Organisations are encouraged to help distribute many
more CD-ROMS, and thus to order either 300 ( 10 Kg Fedex
box) or 900 (25 Kg Fedex box) of any combination of
CD-ROMS. At that moment the cost is 1.5 US$ or 1.65
EURO per CD-ROM + the Fedex costs, which are mostly
0.4 US$ or 0.45 EURO per CD-ROM.
5. All proceeds of this small contribution in costs,
which still yield a small income for Human Info NGO
and its partners, are used to distribute more free CD-ROMS.
Within our possibilities, we will try to dsitribute
as many free CD-ROMS as possible through organisations
in the South.
6. This cost-scheme is what has been applied in practice
the last years. For clarity costs described here replace
all previous costs and prices, as on older CD-ROMS other
pricings may still be printed. For any order emanating
from the older CD-ROMS and web-site copies, the pricing
or free distribution scheme described here is applied.
7. In developing countries alone, non-profit resale
of the CD-ROMS at cost is authorised by Human Info NGO
and most of its partners. This means maximum about 2
to 2.5 US$ per CD-ROM. However we strongly encourage
the free distribution even in developing countries.
Ordering your CD-ROMs through Internet
or by Fax : Easy - please fill in following order form
or forward it to a friend
Thank you for your order. Please copy the following
order form, paste it in your e-mail editor or word processor
and e-mail it or fax it (credit card orders) or mail
it (with Eurocheque enclosed or credit card order) to
Human Info NGO/ HumanityCD at the address mentioned
below. Delivery within ca. 2/3 weeks by normal airmail
1. Individuals:
1.1. Can you send at least 4 CD-ROMS free to friends
or organisations in developing countries? yes ____ no
1.2. If yes, we will send you the 6 CD-ROMs. ___
1.3. If no, we will send you 2 CD-ROMs and send 4 free
on your behalf to developing countries. Continent of
your choice: _____________
Total contribution in cost: 14 US$ or 16 EURO (please
check the currency)
2. Organisations
2.1. 36 CD-ROMS (1 Kg). Cost including postal mailing
costs is 80 US$ or 90 EURO.
Total contribution in cost: 80 US$ or 90 EURO (please
check the currency) or, for orders within Europe. add
21% VAT = 108.9 EURO
2.2. 300 CD-ROMS (10 Kg Fedex box) of any combination
of CD-ROMS. The cost is 1.5 US$ or 1.65 EURO per CD-ROM
(+ the Fedex costs, 0.4 US$ or 0.45 EURO per CD-ROM.)
Total contribution in cost: 570 US$ or 630 EURO, Fedex
included (please check the currency) or, for orders
within Europe, add 21 % VAT = 762,3 EURO
2.3. 900 CD-ROMS (25 Kg Fedex box) of any combination
of CD-ROMS. The cost is 1.5 US$ or 1.65 EURO per CD-ROM
(+ the Fedex costs, 0.4 US$ or 0.45 EURO per CD-ROM.)
Total contribution in cost: 570 US$ or 630 EURO, Fedex
included (please check the currency) or, for orders
within Europe, add 21% VAT = 762,3 EURO
3. Delivery
3.1 Postal mailing is by non-prioritary postal mailing.
This takes 2 to 3 weeks to arrive.
3.2 FEDEX delivery within 6 working days.
4. Total for authorization from your creditcard : _______
US$ or _______ EURO
Low-cost standard inclusion with the newsletters you
send out or limited customization is also possible.
Contact us.
PAYMENT AND SIGNATURE - Credit card payments :
Card number:_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ (mostly
16 digits, please check)
Exp Date:_ _ /_ _
Name on card: ______________________________
Signature :__________________________________
Your Name : _______________________
Title : ______________________
Department/Organization :_____________________
Street : ____________________________________
City :____________________________
Postal (ZIP) Code : _____________
Country : _____________________
Phone : __________________________
Your e-mail address :_________________________
Humanitarian Information for All
c/o Human Info NGO vzw & HumanityCD Ltd
Oosterveldlaan 196 - B-2610 Antwerp - BELGIUM
Fax : 32-3-449-75-74
E-mail : humanity@humaninfo.org
Payments may be made in US Dollars or in EURO. Payments
checks because for small sums more than half of the
sum is withold as bank costs. So please ask someone
with a VISA card to pay for you. In case you still want
to pay with a check other than Eurocheque, please add
10 US$ and they should either be payable on a European
bank account (for EURO), on a USA bank account (for
dollars). Checks should be made payable to: Human Info
Questions ? Contact us at the addresses given.
Please be sure to include an actual street address in
the information above